Friday, June 11, 2010

Fab 5 Friday

I am a little slow these days not being in school and all...but I finally figured out how to get my pictures quickly to my blog. Last week, I had some issues with trying to download/upload them quickly. This week, I also cheated and used some of the same ones that used last week:)

1. is usually always on in the background, even though most of the time I am not really watching it. However, Andrew does like to watch it as well, so it is a channel we actually agree on AND Design Star starts Sunday night and it's one of my favorite shows.

2. My handy little SUV. She tried to die on me on the way to small group the other night, but Andrew and a dear friend Chris, fixed her up and she drove me to Bowling Green yesterday. This year at work, my car was also known as my office. It had plenty of room and served it's purpose well. We'll see how she does this week with 2 car seats.

3. READ, READ, READ!!! I have been reading Karen Kingsbury books like they are going out of print. I hardly ever watch TV, or play on facebook...I have always got my nose in a book. I am even going to a Baxter Family Renunion (based on her books) at the end of June with my friend Valerie.

4. PF Changs!! For being a picky eater, I LOVE this place, lettuce wraps, lo mein, honey crusted chicken, sweet and sour chicken...YUMMO!!

5. IKEA...we went last weekend with Adam and Emily. Spent more money than we expected, but also came home with a new bed, bedside tables, bookshelf, drawer organizers, couch side table, kitchen gadgets, etc. SO FUN!

What are your FAB 5?

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