Sunday, September 27, 2009

His Love

This morning at church, pastor David spoke about love. He spoke of God's unending love for us. It was a very emotional service and one that touched me in a way I wasn't expecting when I went to church this morning.

Click the following link to see the music video we watched.

WOW! I hope it was able to touch you the way it touched me. There are so many children that I work with on a daily basis that don't come from the warmest and loving home life that I did. I hope they realize that in the darkest of times that they have someone that loves them.

I am so very thankful for the people that love me. Andrew, my parents, my brothers, sister-in-law, all of my in-laws, my grandparents, all of my family, my friends, but most of all my Godly Father loves me more than I could ever fathom. All that I do and have was given to me by god because he loves me.

I will update more about what we have been up to soon. *which is not much might I add* just the same - o, same - o.

1 comment:

MWCasey said...


Your reflection on the sermon you heard today is beautiful.

Manda White